World News

Human rights group asks for report on missing Malaysian Pastor

Internation Christian Concern (ICC) reports that it has been two years since the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia’s (Suhakam) public inquiry made a unanimous decision that the Royal Malaysia Police’s Special Branch was behind the abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh and activist Amri Che Mat. However, the report has not been made public yet.


The Citizens Against Enforced Disappearances (CAGED) is urging the Malaysian government to release the Suhakam findings in 2019 and to reinvestigate the alleged enforced disappearance of the two men.

In a statement released on the 2nd of April, CAGED said the task force report ought to be released in view of the current allegations of a cartel of dirty cops within the police force.

It added that with such allegations being made, the police’s image has taken a drubbing and making the report public could help restore the force’s credibility.

According to Free Malaysia Today, the group is asking “if the same cartel is responsible for the enforced disappearances. The public must be given substantive reasons to believe that the Special Branch is not doing this to others too.”

The families of the victims have sued the government in the hope to seek the truth. Susanna Liew, the wife of missing pastor Koh, told The Malaysian Insight that 2021 is the fifth year the family spent Easter without him.


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