Toronto Cardinal demands churches be treated fairly amid restrictions
The Christian Post reports that the head of the Archdiocese of Toronto, Cardinal Thomas Collins, sent out a call to action last week, denouncing how the government has imposed stricter limits on houses of worship for in-person gatherings than secular businesses.
Collins gave an example of a movie production crew that was allowed to have around 50 people filming in a church basement hall while a funeral at the same facility was limited to ten attendees.
Collins said it “makes no sense” that “funeral at St. Michael’s Cathedral (capacity 1,500) will be capped at 10 people, while around the corner dozens can enter the local liquor store and thousands will visit the Eaton Centre.”
“I encourage all of you to respectfully request that any restrictions for places of worship use a percentage of capacity as opposed to an arbitrary number,” he continued.
Last November, Toronto International Celebration Church filed a lawsuit against the government challenging the provisions of the Reopening Ontario Act that restricted religious services.