News from Europe

A cemetary vandalised in Southern Poland

In the Polish town of Rybna, several people found the tombstones of their relatives torn and the crosses stolen. Figurines of Christ in some places were torn from crosses and thrown to the floor. These acts of vandalism were promptly reported to the parish.


All indications are that the perpetrators did not do it to desecrate the graves but steal the precious metals from which the crosses on the monuments are made. They are mostly brass crosses or other non-ferrous metals. Certainly, the figures are more valuable than regular crosses found in shopping centres. The motive behind the destruction was the desire to sell these items, not to desecrate the graves,” according to one of the inhabitants of Rybna.

We received reports from two parishioners regarding the devastation of the graves, or rather, crosses on the graves. We went with the gravedigger to the cemetery and indeed we located more such graves than had been reported. The vandals were thieves who wanted to sell coloured metal rather than to desecrate the graves,” the local parish priest explained.


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