Missionary woman kidnapped four years ago in Mali, is still in captivity

Four years ago, on the 7th of February, Sister Gloria from the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate was kidnapped. Today, the members of her order pray for her and ask the kidnappers to release her.
“We urgently ask the kidnappers to release her as soon as possible because her health is not good. Sister Gloria [Cecilia Narváez] suffers a lot, like the Congregation and her family. God, who is the Father of all, helps us in this request. In our pain, we feel powerless in the face of this unprecedented kidnapping, and we ask the Christian community to pray and the international community to remember that through the kidnapping of a person what is kidnapped is a part of our humanity”, said Sister Noemi Quesada, former Superior General of the Congregation.
The nun told Fides news agency about the kidnapped nun, whom she has known since her childhood:
“From her earliest childhood, she demonstrated her qualities as an educator and as such, she prepared herself for service in this field. Many were the educational institutions in which she worked: the College of Samaniego, in the south of Colombia, was the last institute of which she was director. She then took her first steps as a missionary in southern Mexico, in Apatzingán, in the state of Michoacán. After special preparation, she was sent to Boukoumbé, Benin, still as an educator. Six years were enough for her to be deeply enchanted by Africa and its people. The Congregation then sent her to be responsible for the work in Karangasso, Mali. There, she accompanied the nuns of her community who carry out missionary service at the health centre, in an orphanage and a centre for the promotion of women, which includes a literacy project of 700 women in the villages as well as the catechesis of children and local young people”.
As Sister Quesada reveals, Sister Gloria behaved like a hero at the time of her kidnapping: “When the kidnappers arrested one of the nuns in the community, she came out of her hiding place and told them: I am the oldest, the responsible, let her go. So the kidnappers released the nun and took Sister Gloria away”.
Source: Fides.org