Brother of Christian imprisoned in Pakistan pleads for Biden to help

The Christian Post reports that a United States citizen, whose brother is facing the possibility of being sentenced to death in Pakistan on trumped-up blasphemy charges, is asking the Biden administration to put pressure on Pakistan to release his brother.
In three months, Pakistani Christian man Nadeem Samson will go before Pakistan’s Lahore High Court as he petitions against blasphemy charges that stem from and were cemented by a false accusation, corrupt police, and his own confession under torture, his brother, Shakeel Anjum, told The Christian Post.
In late November 2017, a man named Abdul Haq told Pakistani police that Samson had opened a fake Facebook account where he allegedly posted blasphemous material. He asked for an immediate police raid on Samson’s home to catch him in the act. Police captured Samson, and a police report claims that he admitted to the crime.
Police beat Samson for three days until he admitted to the crime, the brother recalled. When Samson appeared in open court in 2018, people physically attacked him, he said. Now, Samson attends his court hearings online from within prison.
He told the Christian Post that police don’t allow him to speak with his imprisoned brother by phone, so he depends on a network of Pakistani friends who visit Samson in Lahore’s District Jail.
Anjum said he has worked with the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to publicise his brother’s case. Other human rights groups usually don’t visit people imprisoned for blasphemy, he said. He has appealed to the Biden administration to put pressure on Pakistan to release his brother.