World News

Is the Nigerian Church in the hands of the Islamic government?

On the 7th of August, Muslim President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, signed a bill increasing government control over NGOs, including the Church. It even allows the administrators of a given organisation, and in the case of the Church — the bishops, to be dismissed and replaced by government commissioners.


“This law is a time bomb” according to a member of the Nigeria Christian Association. The organisation, also speaking on behalf of local Catholic Church leaders, has officially rejected the controversial law, and has asked President Buhari to moderate it.

“The Church cannot be controlled by the government because it has spiritual responsibilities and obligations,” the Christian leaders emphasise.

Muhammadu Buhari, who is a retired 76-years-old general, became the new leader of the country in 1983 as the chairman of the Supreme Military Council. He has held the office of president since 2015, being the head of the Congress of All Progressive parties. In the past, he called for the introduction of Koranic Sharia law throughout the country.



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