World News

Civil society and religious communities: pandemic increases ‘slave labour’ in India

In many cases in India measures of extended working ours and suspension of minimum wages have been made which equals "slavery" and "exploitation".


Due to the novel coronavirus, some human rights activists and civil society organisation raised the alarm of labour issues that are placing too great a burden on workers.

Speaking to Agnezia Fides, Father Jaison Vadassery, Secretary of the Commission for Migrants of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India told that “the revitalisation of the economy or the containment of losses due to the pandemic must not be at the expense of workers, migrants and the poor.”

Union leaders from different organisations say that several state governments have given companies “green light” to exploit workers.

“Modifying the existing rules to satisfy certain commercial and profit interests can increase slavery and trigger social conflicts”, pointed out Lenin Raghuvanshi, who formed a Supervisory Committee on the Human Rights of Workers.

Raghuvanshi expressed great “anguish” that workers are asked to work longer hours during the lockdown and are denied permission to go home”.

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See full article here.

Photo is courtesy of Unsplash.

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