News from Europe

Abby Johnson calls Poland to “stand firm for life”

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson, whose story hit cinema screens in the form of the film "Unplanned," began a several-day visit to Poland with a meeting with journalists. She spoke about the need to get involved in the protection of every human life. The American also urged Poland not to follow the path of Western European countries on this matter.

 Abby Johnson broke off with lucrative work in the Planned Parenthood network. Employees leaving abortion centers are threatened with lawsuits. The concern is trying to force silence on them so that the practices used by abortion organisations do not come out. Led by Abby Johnson, the “And there was no one else” foundation helps them find new employment and, if necessary, legal, psychological and spiritual support. Abby Johnson noted the process of “dehumanization” propaganda to which unborn children are subjected.

“I hope that books, movies, as well as my visit here will help Poland and Poles to stand firm against abortion (…) Prayer is strength, but the presence in front of places where abortions occur is also important”, she noted, referring to the most effective ways to influence mothers who want to kill their own offspring.  

Abby Johnson’s visit to Poland also coincides with the premiere of her new book “Walls Will Cry”. Open meetings with her are held in Bydgoszcz, Krakow, Piła, Rumia and Warsaw. The largest event is planned in Krakow, where after Mass celebrated by Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski, Abby will give her testimony. 


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