
Should Christians be politically correct?

As Christians, we are taught to be loving, patient, kind, and humble. Does this translate into also being politically correct? Political correctness is not mere dis-attachment from other people's choices, it is a doctrine which when examined uses social repercussions to punish anyone who doesn't accept their worldview of right and wrong. Its effect is to cause confusion resulting in the bad being called good and the good being called bad.


Political correctness is the worldly doctrine which purports to guide people to do what is right toward their fellow man. The danger of this insidious social norm is because it is not a sound doctrine; it is a mere humanistic morality not based on God’s word.

Political correctness is not mere dis-attachment from other people’s choices, it is a doctrine which when examined uses social repercussions to punish anyone who doesn’t accept their worldview of right and wrong. Its effect is to cause confusion resulting in the bad being called good and the good being called bad.

All opinions, beliefs, feelings, and activities are not equal nor righteous before God. It is our Christian duty to be bold and courageous in the midst of such darkness, sharing the truth as we understand it.

Jesus is our example and, in my opinion, he was not at all politically correct. He didn’t mince words. He spoke boldly even as his words caused offense and anger. Jesus didn’t ignore sin nor condone it by remaining silent in order to fit in and not cause a stir.

He disrupted many people’s political correctness of the day. He scathingly identified the hypocrites and took a whip to the money-changers in the temple. His love forgave but didn’t condone wrongdoing. He loved all regardless of what sin they had committed in the past while also teaching that one must repent and “go, and sin no more,”

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