News from Europe

A pro-abortion network arrives to Poland with the support of local liberals

The civilizational war is intensyfying in Poland. With the support of the Polish liberal newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza", the "Abortion Support Network" is installing itself in the country of Saint John Paul II. ASN aims at helping Polish women financially to get an abortion abroad.

With ASN, six organizations from four different countries join their forces in an initiative called “Abortion without borders”. Among them, there are two Polish organizations, one of which is called “Abortion Dream Team”.

In the December 12 edition of the liberal newpaper Gazeta Wyborcza, an activist from the Abortion Dream Team cited Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain as the countries where women who have been pregnant for more than 12 weeks could get an abortion with support from the Abortion Support Network. ASN promises Polish women full assistance with their medical abortion procedures abroad, including language assistance and overnight stays.

Gazeta Wyborcza devoted an entire page to an interview with Mara Clarke, the woman who founded the Abortion Support Network in 2009. In this interview, Clark explains that women can have an abortion on request until the 24th week of pregnancy in Great Britain and the Netherlands, and that she is determined to make this kind of abortions accessible to Polish women as well. 

In Poland, abortion is only permitted in specific cases. According to an IBRIS poll published on December 9, 50% of Poles are in favor of leaving the current abortion law unchanged and 15% would even like to restrict access to abortion. Only 28.5% said they were in favor of liberalizing the abortion law.


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