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French radio satirist violated France’s laicity law by offending the Christian Church with his new pro-LGBT song

fromet france inter

In France, due to their 'laïcité', or laicity law, all type of public religious activity or proselytism is prohibited, in order to keep a clear separation between Church and State. The application of this law is taken very seriously when applied to nativity scenes or peaceful prayer gatherings. If however some liberal artists purposefully decide to offend religious sentiment, especially the beliefs of Christians, their activity is justified as 'artistic license.' At least, this is the case with a state radio station called France Inter, which regularly attacks Christian values, and all in the name of 'artistic license.'


Recently, a satirist at the radio station, Frédéric Fromet, wrote a contentious song in response to a decision by Benedicto Abicair, a Brazilian judge, who banned the transmission of the Netflix film, “The First Temptation of Christ,” that depicts Jesus as a gay man.

The song, wanting in artistic value, makes a caricature of Jesus Christ and indeed of all Christians. On YouTube, the video shows Fromet presenting his piece to the amusement of the whole staff of the radio station. At the beginning of the video, Fromet talks about the ban on the movie in Brazil, adding that fortunately, in France, Christians are more open-minded.

It is worth noting that since  France Inter is a state radio station, the cost of broadcasting this anti-Christian song is being paid for by the French taxpayer.

One wonders how in a country where only weeks ago, nativity scenes were removed from public places because they were considered an offence to religious freedom, the State can endorse a blasphemous production that targets one of the world’s most prominent religions. Could it be that the real meaning of ‘laïcité’ has been conveniently lost in translation?

Photo: Observatoire de la Christianophobie

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