World News

A Brazilian clothes shop stops selling clothes that offend Christian sentiments

Santa muerte T-shirt, renner

The Renner chain of shops stopped selling a T-shirt that depicts the Virgin Mary, with a skeleton’s head in the place of her face.

This decision of the chain to pull the product came after complaints from Catholics who felt offended by the image.

The T-shirt, that was marketed both in physical shops and online, caused controversy on social networks. To appease the disquiet that was caused, the shop decided to withdraw the item from its catalogue of products.

In a note, Renner clarified that “the graphics of this T-shirt were inspired by a Mexican cultural tradition, and the image depicts the ‘Santa Muerte’ (Saint of Death), a cultural icon of the Mexican people. Understanding that some clients felt offended, Renner has begun the process of recalling the products from its shops.”


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