Two priests were assassinated in Africa, one in Cameroon, the other in Nigeria

Two Catholic priests were found dead on the morning of the 20th of March, in Africa. One of them was a Capuchin monk, from Central Africa, whose body was discovered in Cameroon, the other was kidnapped a week ago from his parish in Nigeria.
The day before his death, Fr. Toussaint Zoumaldé was going back to his community, situated in Tchad, after imparting a course on priestly formation in his homeland in Central Africa.
His route traversed Cameroon, where he decided to overnight on the 19th of March in a town called Ngaoundéré. There, he was assassinated at dawn by unknown persons.
On the same day in Nigeria, Fr. Clement Rapuluchukwu Ugwu was found dead, 20 km from his parish in Obinofia (in the South of the country). He had disappeared a week earlier.
After the funeral of Fr. Clement, Capuchin Callistus Valentine Onaga launched an appeal to find the perpetrators of the murder. He challenged the police to find and punish the criminals and blamed the security service for not having started the investigations immediatel after the priest’s disappearance.
Fr. Benjamin Achi, spokesperson for the Diocese of Enudu, asked the government to comply with its obligatios and protect citizens.
These tragic deaths happened just after the kidnapping of Abbot Joël Yougbaré, in Burkina Faso, on the 17th of March.
Source : VaticanNews