Poland and Hungary block ‘LGBTIQ rights’ from being enshrined in EU legislation
Last week representatives from Poland and Hungary annoyed other European Union (EU) member states by vetoing the inclusion of the “LGBTIQ” acronym in a joint statement by employment and social affairs ministers meant to promote “gender equity in the digital era.” With this action, Poland and Hungary in fact blocked the inclusion of “LGBTIQ” rights in a common European Union statement.
(Map above gives an idea on Gay Rights Legislation in Europe – Based on data 2015 May)
The European employment and social affairs ministers collectively form the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), which meets four times a year. Its most recent meeting was held in Brussels on December 6. Brussels is the capital of the European Union.
LGBTIQ is a reference to people who derive their identity from lesbianism, homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, intersexuality, or an experimental “questioning” approach to sexuality.
The official EPSCO Council Conclusions now refer only to “gender equality, youth and digitalization.” To appease the other member states, who were reportedly furious with Poland’s and Hungary’s veto, Austria added a reference to “LGBTIQ” to the document in its current capacity as holder of the Presidency of the European Council. However, this addition is classified as only “presidential conclusions,” which do not have the legal significance of formal Council conclusions.
According to Politico, Wouter Koolmees, the Dutch minister for social affairs and employment, called “LGBTIQ” rights “core values” of the European Union. He complained vociferously about the actions of the Hungarian and Polish members.
“LGBTIQ inclusion and equality are core values of our European Union,” he said. “This is where I draw the line. We will never compromise our principles. This is not up for discussion and should have never been an issue for any member state. So I am happy that the reference is back in the text. Although I do regret we were not able to adopt them as Council conclusions.”
Gaystar News reported that in response to Poland’s and Hungary’s refusal to sanction the pro-homosexual language, the Maltese government drew up another pro-LGBT document. This common paper called on the European Commission to “adopt a strong, EU-wide [LGBT] strategy.” Signed by 19 EU countries, it is not legally binding.
Poland and Hungary are considered the gadflies of the European Union for not going along with the EU’s far-left, globalist agenda. Both Poland and Hungary have consistently fought against a redefinition of marriage and the family, LGBT indoctrination of children, and the forced resettlement of migrants within their borders.
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó made waves when he boldly stated that his country wants to “preserve Europe as a Christian Europe” and that they would like Hungary to remain a “Christian nation.” Poland has been rebuked by the EU for considering legislation that would criminalize the abortion of unborn children with disabilities.
Source: lifesitenews.com