Tag: European Union

EU member states can continue to prohibit assissted suicide, says the ECHR

However, the ECHR acknowledged that its position might evolve,

Brussels authorities banned a conference for being of a conservative nature

The Conseil d’État, Belgium's highest court, rejected the notion that the conference itself posed a threat to public order.

Conversion to Christianity is grounds for asylum

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided on the case of an Iranian convert living in Austria.

Public administration allowed to ban religious symbols at work in the EU

This decision is in line with previous jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.

Strasbourg court orders Romania to institutionalize same-sex cohabitation

According to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, 74% of Romanians opposed the introduction of same-sex "marriages."

The position of an EU Envoy of Religious Freedom is still vacant

It seems like the defense of religious freedom is not such a priority for the EU leadership.

The European Parliament adops a report criticising religion

This report supposedly on religious persecution is actually hostile towards religion itself.

German law allowing ban on religious symbols in workplace confirmed by ECJ

Thiscould mean that Christians would not be allowed to wear any Christian symbol, lika a necklace with a cross in their workplace.

European Parliament publishes report on "sexual and reproductive rights"

The report is yet another ideological document aiming at implementing a neo-marxist agenda across the continent.