Openly pro-immigration Brussels leadership wants to increase migration every possible way

“The developments in Brussels this week confirm that the current pro-immigration Brussels leadership doesn’t want to stop migration, but manage it, and in fact increase it. They want to give the migrants more money, a mandatory quota, and migrant (humanitarian) visas.”
Hungarian Government Spokesperson István Hollik held a press conference this week. “It has transpired that pro-immigration Brussels officials want to spend even more on migration out of the EU budget, which has already been reduced as a result of Brexit”, he stated.
“And the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) has already drawn-up a proposal according to which ‘funding for pro-immigration Soros organisations would be trebled’,
while taking money away from the countries of Central Europe, including Hungary”, the Government Spokesperson added.
The Government Spokesperson also noted that on Tuesday the “pro-immigration EP majority” voted to adopt the introduction of migrant or so called (humanitarian) visas.
In summary, the Government Spokesperson said that it is clear from the events of recent days that Brussels’ current, pro-immigration leadership is making use of every single day to ensure that the current pro-immigration European Parliament “pushes through” its migration-increasing proposals, and to continuously increase pressure on countries that are against immigration, such as Hungary.
The migrant visa was also mentioned by Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at his press conference held on Thursday in Budapest. “These type of visas increase the threat of terrorist attacks; it increases the risk of acts of terrorism being perpetrated by people coming from migrant backgrounds such as the recent Strasbourg incident,” he said.
According to the Minister, the decision of the European Parliament on the migrant (humanitarian) visa goes against common sense and all European interests.
The Hungarian government received the EP’s decision with disappointment, does not agree with it, and takes the view that it depicts a sad picture of the state of European democracy, given that the same proposal was rejected in the EP once before. A repeated vote involving “sham amendments” decided on it, and the EP’s pro-migration majority eventually adopted the proposal, the Minister said.
In his view, the EP is seeking to make it easier for people who submit asylum requests, even if they do so irregularly, without being eligible for asylum, to come to Europe – then possibly stay here.
“We are opposed to all solutions which allow decision-making related to the refugee status in locations other than outside Europe”, he said in an answer to a question.
Mr Gulyás also informed the press that the government offered its condolences to France and relatives of the victims in the case of the Tuesday Strasbourg terrorist attack committed by an individual from a migrant background.
As it is briefly defined on the home page of pro-migration RedCross EU Office, at: Humanitarian visas in practice.