World News

Spreading the word of God Women copy the Bible by hand in order to spread the word of God in North-Korea


Most Christians tend to overlook the importance of reading the Bible in their daily lives.  While many give little or no significance to the frequent reading of the Scriptures —which are usually freely available to us — others can pay with their lives for possessing or even attempting to read the word of God. It could be said that those who risk persecution by studying the sacred texts value its content more than the rest of us.


This following story is about Christians who live in North-Korea, and who face persecution for reading the Bible.

A Christian man visited a different family that were also believers. Through human oversight, the bag that he carried contained a copy of the Bible. In North- Korea, travelling with a Bible in your bag is dangerous; being caught in possession of the sacred text is a crime that can carry the death penalty.

Understandably, the visitor, after discovering the Bible in his bag,  feared for his life. Not wishing to return home carrying the sacred text, he begged to leave the book in the house of the family he was visiting. His hosts agreed to the plan as they did not possess a Bible in their home.

A year later, he sent two relatives to visit the family, wondering if they had been daring enough to hold on to his copy of the Bible.  Not only did they find the copy of the Bible in good condition, but to their surprise, discovered that the family had copied passages from the sacred text by hand and distributed them to other Christians in the area who gathered together in secret to reflect upon them.  

The bravery of these tiny groups reminds us of how privileged we are who can freely practice our faith. It may also encourage some to read the Bible more often.

Source: Portas Abertas

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