Syrian State will control the teaching of Islam in their country

The Syrian president signed a new law that may affect Christians living in the country.
The Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad signed a law that regulates the teaching of Islam in the
country. According to the new law, the teaching of Islam will be controlled by the state.
The president’s objective by implementing this new law is to impede the growth of radical Islamic
ideology in the country, particularly doctrines that promote violence against Islamic leaders who are
considered “not to be religious enough.”
An analyst of ‘Open Doors’ explained that the new law would increase the authority of the Ministry
of Religious Endowments (MRE).
The analyst added that this government initiative is trying to stop Islamic religious leaders from
obtaining important roles on political platforms as many of them would support military groups that
oppose the government.
The analyst observed that, on the one hand, the president wants through this law, to increase his
authority over the Sunni Muslim population, but, on the other hand, he may try to unify the
fragmented country through the Islamic religion.
If this second version is the real one, the situation of local Christians may deteriorate in the future.
Let us pray that these new measures by the authorities may bring peace to this Asian country.
Source: Portas Abertas