Militants brutally attacking Nigerian Christians

The malicious attacks of Fulani militants on Christians in Nigeria has revealed a new level of hatred and hardship that believers must endure in the African nation.
Late last month, Fulani militants raided several villages in Plat au State, resulting in seven people being killed – including a pastor, his wife and their three children.
Nathan Johnson – who serves with International Christian Concern – explained that the attacks were absolutely atrocious.
“It brings to life that this is not just socio-economic or ethnic – there’s a very clear, religious element to this,” Johnson pointed out. “Not only did they attack them, but they burned them alive.”
The advocate of the persecuted Church told OneNewsNow that three churches were burned down, and it took about four hours for Nigerian authorities to finally arrive on the scene.
“It’s just a poor case of the government being either unwilling or unable to protect their own citizens,” Johnson asserted.
He is hoping that eventually, reconciliation could come about, but this process is going to need help from the outside in order to come to fruition.
“Reconciliation must take place … from protection from government, from rebuilding of communities that have been destroyed, returning land that had been taken, as well as stopping these perpetrators from being able to get away with – and conducting – attacks time and time again,” the Christian leader stressed.
If these brutal attacks continue, Johnson fears that Nigeria may devolve into a major civil war.
Source: OneNewsNow