Hungary’s quest to nurture “the family” sees drop in abortions and marriage increase

Katalin Novák, Minister of State for Family, Youth and International Affairs, said abortion numbers have dropped by more than a third since 2010, from 40,449 to 28,500.
Hungary’s quest to nurture “the family” is creating an environment where the number of marriages are flourishing and abortion numbers are dropping.
Katalin Novàk, Minister of State for Family, Youth and International Affairs, told an international conference on life and family that abortion numbers have dropped by more than a third since 2010, from 40,449 to 28,500.
She also revealed that divorces dropped from 23,873 in 2010 to 18,600 in 2017, while marriages had risen from 35,520 in 2010 to 50,600 in 2017.
“A precondition of the medium and long-term social development and the sustainability of Hungary is a lasting turn in demographic trends,” Katalin Novàk said.
“The objective can be achieved with a stable, complex, targeted and flexible family policy that is capable of adapting to changing needs and conditions,” she added.
According to, Christine de Marcellus Vollmer read Novàk’s remarks at the “Human Life, the Family, and the Splendor of Truth: Gifts of God” conference held in Rome on May 21st.