Two Spanish churches were the target of vandalism
The Spanish Foundation of Christian Laywers filed complaints against those responsible for the attacks in October 2023.
The UK's Home Secretary clarified the country's stance on silent prayer
Last year, three individuals were prosecuted for exercising silent mental prayer near abortion facilities in England
Christian man has his job offer rescinded for his Christian beliefs
Mr Ngole was offered political asylum in the UK after facing political persecution in Cameroon.
Two churches were desecrated in France in the last weeks
Two complaints have been filed.
A church was desecrated in Southern France
As a consequence of this act, the church has been closed for an indefinite time.
Free speech under threat in Ireland's recent "hate offences" bill
Many contradictions that might arise from this law could seriously limit not only freedom of speech but also freedom of religion.
A Spanish church was targeted by a criminal arsonist
The criminals fled, but thanks to the images from the church's security cameras, the police were able to identify them.
The church of a Belgian village was targeted with repeated acts of vandalism
Fortunately, no one was wounded as a result of the attacks.
A church was severely vandalised in France
Such acts of vandalism are becoming increasingly commonplace in France.
A Belgian church will be turned into a library
A statue of Christ was even recently found in a garbage dump.