Tag: Nepal

Nepalese authorities demolished a church

The demolition comes shortly after a UN General Assembly resolution condemning the destruction of religious sites.

Christians continue to face growing persecution in Nepal

Christians now number between two and three million throughout Nepal.

Local Nepalese officials order halt to construction of church building

The church in Galkot began with just two families in January and within a few weeks grew to forty-five members.

Pastor in Nepal claiming prayer can heal COVID-19 released after three months

In 2016, seven Christians were arrested in the Nepalese district of Dolakha for handing out Bibles.

Open Doors: 7 World Watch List countries that might surprise you

Here are some of the places that might surprise you—and drive you to pray for them.

Nepal’s supreme court refuses bail to pastor who prayed against COVID-19

The Supreme Court of Nepal refused bail to Pastor Keshav Acharya and sent him back to prison for the duration of his trial.

Christian woman in Nepal arrested for praying for the sick

This is the second Christian in Nepal to be arrested on COVID-19 related charges.

Police in Nepal arrest Pastor for touting healing prayer amid Coronavirus fears.

Nepal’s constitution guarantees freedom of religion, and all citizens have the right to profess, practice and protect their faith.

Nepal: Christian pastor arrested for praying against the spread of COVID-19

The pastor could face up to six months in prison after being unjustly accused of giving false information about COVID-19.

New challenges to Christianity’s growth in Nepal

This amazing growth has not come without challenges.