Tag: Hollywood

10 Movies for Holy Week that are streaming now

This year’s quarantine is a great opportunity to watch films about the lives of the saints and of Christ.

Mark Wahlberg says he will never hide his relationship with God

Actor Mark Wahlberg in an interview with “Today” discussed his prayer life and why he is so outspoken about his faith.

Jim Caviezel: Passion of the Christ sequel: Resurrection ‘will be a masterpiece’

“The films they make are Marvel comic movies,” said Caviezel. “You'll see Superman, but you won't see Jesus.”

Ben Affleck talks about his journey with Christianity

He has said the concept of grace and redemption is 'enormously beautiful' and that is what drew him to Christianity.

Disney to feature first LGBTQ character in movie ‘Onward’

The upcoming movie will feature a lesbian character - a police officer named Spector.

Nine powerful pro-life movies everyone should watch

In this list, we spotlight nine movies that champion life in its unborn or infancy stage.

"Breaking News"- Batwoman comes out: She’s a lesbian!

Batman's cousin, Ruby Rose’s CW Superhero tells whole Gotham city: She’s a gay.

10 Secular movies that teach Christian values

Sometimes, it’s helpful to divide modern movies into two categories: faith-based and secular

Charlize Theron is raising her son as a girl. Why that hurts all of our kids

In her latest announcement told the media that her seven-year-old son Jackson, adopted as a baby in 2012, is actually her daughter

Catholic actor: I was fired from TV show for refusing sex scenes

Hollywood Punished Actor Neal McDonough for Taking a Stand