World News

Charlize Theron is raising her son as a girl. Why that hurts all of our kids

Academy Award–winning actress Charlize Theron in her latest announcement told the media that her seven-year-old son Jackson, adopted as a baby in 2012, is actually her daughter. In other words, Jackson is “transgender.”


Nobody is ever surprised to hear that a celebrity has said something crazy, but Academy Award–winning actress Charlize Theron’s latest announcement manages very effectively to upstage the regular torrent of progressive platitudes emanating from hedonistic Hollywood. 

This comes as no surprise to some of the more obsessive observers of Hollywood, who have wondered for years if Theron was raising her son as a girl, fueled by photos of Jackson outfitted in dresses and skirts and sporting long hair and braids. But now she has confirmed that she is raising Jackson as a girl but asserts that he is as much her daughter as her youngest child, three-year-old August.

So how did this transformation come about? Well, “I thought she was a boy, too,” Theron told the Daily Mail. “Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said, ‘I am not a boy!’ So there you go!

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