NGO report: Over 1000 Christians in Nigeria killed by Fulani, Boko Haram in 2019
Anti-Christian extremists continue to plague rural farming communities in the African Middle Belt
New Star Wars movie features LGBT kiss between two females
In a celebration sequence in the film, two female members of the Resistance share a kiss during the joyful moment
Boko Haram releases video of abducted Christians
Abducted Christians plead in video for assistance from Christian groups and the Nigerian government.
Christianity and persecution increase in Africa
As Christianity grows quickly across the continent, the potential for inter-religious conflict increases.
Netflix releasing “Christmas special” with gay Jesus and adulterer Virgin Mary
This made so far more than one million people sign a petition to have the film removed from the popular streaming service.
At least nine Christians murdered in Kenya attack
The passengers on the Mandera-bound bus who could not recite the Shahada were paraded out of the bus and shot dead.
Special 'lawsuit' in Pakistan - lawyers ransack Lahore hospital
As panic spread, doctors and paramedics hid, leaving patients unattended, including those in a critical state.
Arabs tend to lose faith in religious parties and leaders
Religious zeal is also falling in the region, particularly among the young
Five things I learned about Hungary’s commitment to persecuted Christians
"Hungary is determined to remember the past and not to let it be repeated."
Hungarian visit to Burkina Faso to consult local Christians in person
Mr Azbej reassured members of the local persecuted Christian community of the Hungarian people’s solidarity