"I feel gratitude for not forgetting your brothers when no one was there"
A message sent to the Hungarians from Christian friends from Iraq, supported by the Hungary Helps Program through the years
False kidnapping accusation by family of Christian convert
Zulfitri Handayani, a woman from Aceh was declared kidnapped by her family when she converted from Islam to Christianity
Video: Implicit persecution of Christianity
Bishop Schneider warns the Wuhan virus is being used as a pretext to persecute the Church.
Mark Wahlberg says he will never hide his relationship with God
Actor Mark Wahlberg in an interview with “Today” discussed his prayer life and why he is so outspoken about his faith.
Upcoming vote may open up ‘abortion on demand’ in British territory of Gibraltar
A pro-life petition signed by over 6,000 people convinced the parliament to hold a referendum on the new law.
Tristan Azbej in 'The World Over' with Raymond Arroyo - Video!
The State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians had a longer talk on what Hungary is doing to protect religious freedom
President Trump Speaks at 68th Annual National Prayer Breakfast - video!
"Prayer makes us strong. And God alone is the author of life and the giver of grace."
Pro-life MP uses maiden speech to defend the right to life of the unborn - Video
“I am unapologetically pro-life and look forward to challenging the Government on this alongside other pro-life MPs"
Video - 2019 The Christian Institute's News review of the Year
Video - The Christian Institute: Welcome to our review of issues that made the headlines in 2019.
Protestant Church closed down in Algeria
No protestant churches in Algeria have received official legal status so far