Two Scandinavian journalists explain how Europe could fall to Islam
Western culture, which was founded on Christian principles, has become suicidal - Watch video
Seven feminists in history who were pro-life activists
Do not confound feminism with pro-abortion activity
Opinions about the Trump - Orban meeting
Is 'Team Trump' trying to pull Hungary back from its cozy relationship with Moscow and Beijing?
Chuck Norris reminds people why his nation depends on Almighty Deity
America's founders on National Day of Prayer
Prince Charles' Easter message: knife crime, hope and forgiveness
"Easter is a time which brings hope and harmony"
Why is there no Mass and only a “service” on Good Friday?
It is a special day in the calendar of the Church, one that is designed to prepare our hearts for what will come after.
More Syrians Are Becoming Christians After ISIS
A number of families converted at the Syrian-Turkish border
Kermit Gosnell's horror abortions could be legal in today's New York
Gosnell, the movie screened in the White House six weeks after Senate Democrats voted for infanticide
Why Notre Dame Cathedral is so important to Catholics worldwide
For many Catholics, it was difficult not to see the symbolism in the flames: The fire broke out during Holy Week
Extremists Single Out Coptic Christian Farmers
It was painful to see my animals burning and suffering, and I was disabled to help them