Rétvári: The Paris Olympics opening was blasphemy

According to Bence Rétvári, Vice President of KDNP, what happened at the opening of the Paris Olympics cannot be left without comment, and protest must be expressed in every possible way.
The Vice President of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP), Bence Rétvári, wrote in a statement published on his Facebook page that it is “incomprehensible to common sense” how an open and harsh offense against a world religion could have a place at the opening of a global event. Rétvári stated that the greatness of sports lies precisely in its ability to unite people regardless of differences in taste and conviction.
The Olympics are a peaceful competition, a celebration of perseverance and sportsmanship, and this was marred by the opening of the Olympics. The scene mocking the Last Supper goes against everything that the Olympic ideal and human decency stand for. It does not unite, but divides; it is not uplifting, but outrageous, assessed the Christian Democratic politician. Rétvári pointed out that offending the convictions of two billion people is unacceptable, as would be the deliberate mockery of others’ convictions. Moreover, in a country whose culture is nourished by Christian roots, this is particularly outrageous, he summarized.
The KDNP Vice President questioned whether there was not a single sensible person who would have said, “this is too much, let’s leave it out.” Or were there many who thought this, but no one dared to speak out, fearing they would immediately be stigmatized by LGBT activists and could quickly lose even their livelihood? According to Rétvári, this is shameful, and that is shameful. Maybe the burned-down Notre Dame should not be rebuilt where Christianity is the subject of mockery, but in a country where it is a source of pride, he noted.
He added: many have said that such things can routinely be done to Christians because Christians are peaceful, but they would not dare do this with Muslims, because the city would be in flames the next day. But just because we are not aggressive, it still should not be done to us, and we should not have to tolerate it, declared the Christian Democratic politician, who emphasized: this is intolerable. He highlighted that protest must be expressed in every possible way, and encouraged signing the Citizengo.org petition: “Protect Our Faith! International Protest Against Blasphemy at the Paris Olympics.”
Source: MTI