World News

Father Madou released shortly after his suspicious arrest

The sudden and forceful arrest of Father Madou raised concerns in the Chadin Christian community as he was taken without clear explanation. Now, after less than 24 hours of his arrest, he was released.

Authorities arrested Father Simon-Pierre Madou Baïhana, the parish priest of the church of Blessed Isidore Bakandja in Walia Goré in N’Djamena, Chad, on August 5. He was arrested by plainclothes security force officers in such a manner that raised the question of kidnapping at first. Later, an official statement was released by authorities, announcing the arrest of Father Madou. A source in the Archdiocese of N’Djamena told Agenzia Fides that

The manner of the arrest, the fact that the prosecutor did not follow formal procedure and his rapid release suggest an act of intimidation against a priest who has taken critical positions towards the Government. The rapid release of Father Madoua was probably helped by the statement of Archbishop Goetbé Edmond Djitangar, who immediately published a communiqué on the priest’s arrest as well as the strong mobilisation of the Catholic laity.”

Officially, he was arrested for the division and endangerment of national cohesion, but it is more likely that the authorities tried to intimidate him. This was not the first time that Father Madou positioned himself against the authorities. He raised his voice many times about injustice and human rights violations in Chad. In an earlier interview with Vatican News, he said,

The Church is always on the side of the poor and marginalised. Faced with Chad’s injustices and misery, a priest cannot remain indifferent. He must denounce, warn and sound the alarm.”

After his release, Father Madou himself thanked all the people who helped with their intervention, which led to his quick release.

Many people intervened for my release: the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Archbishop, the Christian community. Thank you for this mobilisation. I’m fine, nothing serious.”

Source: Vatican News

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