Muslim brother murdered his Christian sister in Uganda

19-year-old Namukuve Sawuya was murdered by one of her Muslim brothers for converting to Christianity.
Namukuve put her faith in Jesus Christ through a Christian Union Fellowship at her high school. When she was missing prayer times during Ramadan, her 60-year-old father became suspicious and ordered Namukuve and her brothers to gather in their home.
An anonymous eyewitness stated: “Namukuve kept quiet for a while and later replied that she had converted to Prophet Issa [Jesus Christ]. This angered her elder brother, Abdul Rahim Munaabi, and he got hold of a wooden chair and hit her on the head. She cried out once, saying, ‘Oh Mum,’ and then stopped breathing.”
Her mother was away attending to an ill family member at the time.
The brothers then removed Namukuve’s body from the house and threw it in a swamp near the River Naigombwa. Rice farmers found the body shortly after and alerted the police. Authorities transported the body to the local mortuary for an autopsy. Later, Namukuve was buried on hospital land.
On the same day, in the neighbouring district, a 26-year-old Christian father was beaten severely for preaching at a market. The victim, Timothy Wambi, also lost his motorbike when the perpetrators set it on fire. Wambi’s friend, Moses Mweru accompanied him and witnessed the whole incident: “Arriving at the trading center, we started preaching the message of the crucified Christ. Two Muslims came and asked us many questions and said we were not permitted to preach at Kyoga center during the holy month of Ramadan. We were not given time to answer any of their questions, and immediately they started beating us with sticks. My friend was badly beaten, with bleeding on his forehead, and he sustained a fractured left hand. A local leader rescued us, who made a telephone call to security personnel who arrived immediately, but unfortunately, by the time they arrived, our motorcycle had been damaged and set ablaze.”