Hungarian rescue teams are heading to flood-stricken Libya

The Hungarian Pest County Search and Rescue Service, the Budapest Rescue Organization, and the I n t e r R e s c u e Rescue Group are heading to flood-stricken Libya with 46 members and three dogs, supported by the Hungarian government - announced Tristan Azbej, the State Secretary responsible for programs aiding persecuted Christians at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Hungarian rescue teams are heading to flood-stricken Libya with the support of the government. The Pest County Search and Rescue Service, the Budapest Rescue Organization, and the Inter Rescue Group are setting off to flood-stricken Libya with 46 members and three dogs, supported by the Hungarian government – Tristan Azbej, the State Secretary responsible for programs aiding persecuted Christians at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced on Thursday.
Azbej wrote that the Hungarian government, through the “Hungary Helps” program, supports the outgoing teams with a contribution of 14 million forints, while the Hungarian Defence Forces are assisting with their departure. The State Secretary recalled: Libya was hit on Monday by a “biblical-scale disaster”, a storm which breached the walls separating the port city of Derna from the sea, and the rushing waters swept away entire districts. So far, at least six thousand deaths have been reported, but ten thousand people are missing with diminishing hopes.
“As soon as we learned of the tragedy and received a request for help from Libyan authorities, we got in touch with the civilian search and rescue teams, who we can count on once again. The mission of the outgoing rescue teams is, as always, to save lives. We strive to assist them in every possible way so they can start their work,” Tristan Azbej wrote.
“Let us pray for the victims and their families!” the State Secretary urged in his post.
Source: MTI