A historic tabernacle has been stolen from a Brooklyn church

A tabernacle was ripped from the altar of a Catholic church in New York City and stolen after the consecrated hosts it contained were scattered over the altar.
Father Frank Tumino, the pastor of St. Augustine and St. Francis Xavier Parish, said he had gone into the church at around 3.50 p.m. on Saturday afternoon to hear confessions when he discovered the altar damaged altar and the tabernacle missing.
“This is devastating, as the Tabernacle is the central focus of our Church outside of worship, holding the Body of Christ, the Eucharist, which is delivered to the sick and homebound,” said Tumino.
The perpetrators used tools to cut through a steel cabinet which contained the “pure 18-karat gold tabernacle with jewels.” The precious object is believed to be worth $2 million.
Source: lifesitenews.com