World News

The radio station which shares the Gospel in North Korea


Free North Korea Radio (FNKR), a radio program supported by ICC, has been working to bring news, information, and the Gospel message to the people of North Korea since 2006.


Recently, the program has been reworking its method of sharing the Gospel to reach North Koreans more effectively. Until October 2021, FNKR would broadcast regular news and Gospel programming separately.

However, the program received feedback that since North Koreans are brainwashed into believing that God does not exist, separate broadcasting programming in North Korea is not practical since hearing the Gospel message on its own was difficult for them to comprehend.

Therefore, starting in October 2021, FNKR began integrating secular programming with gospel programming to draw in more listeners.

From January to March of this year, FNKR has focused on telling the listeners in North Korea that the lives of North Koreans are not separated from the love of God and that God’s grace is integrated into their lives and everything they do.


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