Christian nurses discriminated for their faith

An estimated 60-70% of nurses in Pakistan are Christians. The country has more than 160 registered nursing training institutions where the student body is mostly Christian. Recently, Christian nurses have suffered discrimination and even threats of physical violence from Muslim colleagues, who have accused them of blasphemy.
So far this year, three blasphemy allegations have been reported against Christian nurses.
In January, Christian nurse Tabitha Nazir Gill was ambushed for urging patients to pray to Jesus and insulting the Prophet Muhammad at a hospital in Karachi.
On April 9, two Christian nurses of Civil Hospital, Faisalabad, were detained by police after a doctor accused them of scratching an Islamic sticker off a cupboard.
On April 27, nurses at a Lahore mental hospital occupied a chapel at the facility after they accused a Christian nurse of sharing an “objectionable” video on an unofficial WhatsApp group for nurses. Angry Muslim nurses briefly occupied the hospital’s Christian chapel, demanding it be turned into a mosque.