World News

Pro-lifers call for Fauci’s firing over funding of experiments on aborted babies

A pro-life group held a rally outside the National Institutes of Health Thursday, calling for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci over the organisation’s role in funding experiments that use aborted babies.


Students for Life of America held a #FireFauci rally outside the National Institutes of Health headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, calling for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a branch of the NIH. While Fauci has received criticism from conservatives for his directives to combat the novel coronavirus, pro-lifers are seeking to hold him accountable for his role in providing funding to the University of Pittsburgh, which was used to perform experiments on aborted babies.

Attendees at the rally carried “pink slips” to show their support for Fauci’s firing. The pink slips contained phrases including “Demand Fauci Resigns!” “Notice of Termination: Fire Fauci,” as well as “Notice of Termination” accompanied by “Name: Anthony Fauci” and “effective immediately,” along with the hashtag #FireFauci.   

The first speaker at the rally was Stephanie Stone, the Mid-East regional manager of Students for Life of America. “We are here on this hot day, outside of the NIH today, to call for President Biden to fire Fauci,” she said.

“Dr. Fauci, as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, the NIAID, has allowed federal tax dollars to fund what should be considered a criminal act that is currently […] taking place at the University of Pittsburgh. Right now, medical researchers at Pitt are undergoing a series of tests,” she added.

“These tests involve taking the scalp of five-month-old aborted children and grafting them on the backs of lab mice. Researchers then observed as the rats and mice grew human baby hairs.”

Stone described the grant used to conduct the research as an “insane misuse of not only taxpayer dollars but an absolutely abhorrent waste of precious human lives.” According to Stone, “It’s shameful that this office has seen fit to put their stamp of approval on this project, let alone using taxpayer money to do it. Taking the lives of five-month-old [aborted] babies to graft their scalps onto lab mice is absurd, immoral and disgraceful.”


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