World News

Two young Catholic volunteers killed in Myanmar conflicts

Intense fighting continues in eastern Myanmar's Kayah state between the Burmese regular army (Tatmadaw), which continues to bomb cities and villages, and the Popular Defense Forces, spontaneously born to resist military repression.


The violence has created over 50,000 internally displaced people in Kayah state, all of them defenceless civilians, according to sources from Agenzia Fides, aggravating the humanitarian emergency. The situation in the city of Demoso is particularly critical.

The internally displaced, in large numbers Christians – since faith in Christ is professed by about one-third of the local population – take refuge in churches, parish halls, schools and Catholic institutes. The Church is committed to providing shelter and supporting them.

Among the displaced, there were two young eighteen-year-old Catholics, Alfred Ludo and Patrick Bo Reh who in Demoso (in the diocese of Loikaw) had made themselves available to bring food and humanitarian aid to the displaced. In one of their trips, Alfred and Patrick were shot and killed by bullets fired by snipers on the 27th of May.

The local Catholic community is sad and mourning the loss of the two, defined as “martyrs and heroes who gave their lives to help others, like Christ Jesus”. The funeral of the two young people was held yesterday, on the 28th of Ma, in the church of St. Joseph.

Source: Agenzia Fides

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