News from Europe

The Netherlands will facilitate access to abortion even more

Dutch parliamentarians voted for new abortion laws to further promote infanticide and encourage women to kill children in the womb. The health minister, who "has doubts" hails from the Christian Democratic Party CDA, will decide on the new law's final entry into force.


The current regulations in the Netherlands allow abortion to be carried out legally up to the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy. All women “have the right” to abortion, except girls up to sixteen years of age. In their case, consent for killing a child must also be given by their parents.

According to the Dutch Left, the controversy was raised by the provision that a woman must wait five days before an abortion – this is the so-called transitional period during which she has to think about the matter, talk to a psychologist, family, priest, etc.

According to the neo-Marxists, this provision is an “attack on women’s fundamental right”, and once a decision is made, it is to be irreversible.


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