World News

Iran denies UN claims of Christian persecution

International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that a special United Nations investigation group recently released a report outlining concern for Iran’s “systematic persecution of Christians”. The report was made public a few months after the original publication in Iran failed to respond by the 10th of January deadline.


The UN experts highlighted twenty-four Christians who are currently in prison or facing charges. According to their report they “wish to express our serious concern at the reported widespread repression against and persecution of persons belonging to the Christian minority in Iran, and in particular those who have converted from Islam”.

The report accused Iran of failing to provide fair legal proceedings, including formulated charges, lack of due process and legal harassment. Specifically, charges against Christians for threats against national security and propaganda against the state were called out.

Iran responded by denying nearly all claims made against them. The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran denied allegations of torture, mistreatment, arbitrary detainment of Christians, raiding of religious gatherings and unjust punishment.

Regarding confiscation of property, Iran’s response noted they only seized items associated with crimes and were often later returned. However, Bibles and Christian literature are often categorised as evidence of a crime and rarely returned.


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