A pastor was attacked and his home and church destroyed in Bangladesh

Armed men invaded the house of the Christian leader where his wife was also attacked.
On the night of the 18th of October, armed men invaded the house of a Christian pastor in Northeast Bangladesh. The twenty-five attackers knocked on the door of Badal and Josna Rani Day armed with axes and machetes.
“We, Christians are in minority here”, told Badal Day to his attackers. “We are not against anyone. Please, don’t do this, have mercy on us.”
After the attack, the vandals left everything in ruins. They also destroyed the church, that belonged to the pastor. They broke the doors, the windows, and made a mess inside the building. Finally, they set the church and the pastor’s house on fire.
“I begged them not to destroy the church, but they did not listen to me”, said Day after the attack.
Before leaving, the attackers threatened the couple with death if they would not leave the place. Later, the pastor got to know that the armed men belonged to the gang run by a local political leader.
The couple is now living in a tent near to their destroyed house.
Source: Portas Abertas