Pray for the Church in Algeria on the 18th of October

October 18th is the International Prayer Day for Christians in Algeria. This day is the first anniversary of the closing of two Christian communities in the towns of Ouzou and Makouda, in 2019. On this date, many Christians were forced to leave their church, and some of them were also detained.
In Algeria, the law ordains that non-Muslim worship places need to have the permission of the authorities to be built. Since last year, the responsible commission has not worked efficiently, and many Christian house churches have been closed, or are still waiting for approval. Until the authorities give their consent, many of the Christian communities cannot assemble to pray together.
Up to now, thirteen churches have been closed this year and are waiting for the authorities to permit them to reopen their places of worship.
Open Doors invite everyone to pray together on the 18th of October for the Christians in Algeria, that their churches may be reopened and their capacity to worship together be restored.
Source: Portas Abertas