Being”pro-choice” should not mean being pro-homicide
Democrats fight to expand a woman’s “right to choose,” no matter how far along her pregnancy. They claim that late-term abortions are rare and done only in cases when the mother’s health or life is at stake or baby (or should I say fetus?) suffers from a fatal condition. This could be considered understandable... If it wasn't false.
The truth is that at least 12 000 late-term abortions take place every year in the United States, according to Guttmacher Institute data. Almost none out of medical necessity.
Fetal abnormalities “make up a small minority of later abortions,” reports Diana Greene Foster of the University of California, San Francisco, the lead investigator on the largest-ever study of women seeking late-term abortions. She adds that abortions prompted by threats to the health of the mother are even rarer.
The study found that women’s reasons were all over the place, including travel considerations, expense, indecision and disagreements with the father.Our liberal abortion regime makes that possible: 16 percent of abortion facilities terminate pregnancies that are 24 weeks along, when many fetuses are viable outside the womb, according to the Congressional Research Service. It is worth keeping in mind that a 26-week fetus given treatment at birth has a 60 percent chance of surviving without a disability.
Democrats are trying to make it even easier to get late-term abortions in states like New Mexico, Massachusetts, Vermont and Virginia. When asked about the growing public concern over late abortion and new state laws like New York’s, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand called any limits “an attack on women’s rights.” She tells politicians to stay out of it because “the choice is between a woman and her doctor.”
Is it worth stating that we are heading in the wrong direction?