Trump to receive $52M for campaign from pro-life organization

A prominent pro-life group is launching a $52 million campaign to help reelect President Trump by galvanizing pro-life voters in 2020.
The Susan B. Anthony List announced Friday that along with its partner super PAC, which is called Women Speak Out PAC, its plans include a robust boost to on the ground grassroots efforts, voter contact mail, phone calls, and digital ads. Their teams have reportedly already visited over 460,000 homes in swing states and are reaching out to voters in battleground states such as Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina, Christianpost reports.
Before Election Day, the SBA List intends to expand its efforts to Iowa, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin and visit 4 million voters.
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“The stakes have truly never been higher for unborn babies and moms,” SBA List founder and President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a tweet Friday about her group’s efforts.
According to a piece of article on Politico published on SBA List, before Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, agreed to chair the Donald J. Trump for President Pro-life Coalition in 2016, she requested a list of commitments in writing from the Republican nominee.
To ensure that Trump, who described himself as “very pro-choice” not two decades earlier, wouldn’t betray anti-abortion conservatives as president, Dannenfelser asked that he promise to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding, codify into law the Hyde Amendment limiting the use of federal money for abortions, enact legislation to ban abortion after 20 weeks and strictly nominate anti-abortion justices to the Supreme Court.
Despite the fulfillment of just one of those promises — two conservative Trump nominees now sit on the high court — Dannenfelser’s group is preparing to reward the president handsomely: This week, SBA List and its affiliated super PAC, Women Speak Out, will launch a grassroots effort to support Trump’s reelection and protect Republicans’ slim majority in the Senate that is part of a $52 million organizational budget for this cycle.
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