Imprisoned Christian denied medical care
A seriously ill Iranian Christian convert currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for his faith is being denied medical care by officials at Evin Prison.
International Christian Concern reported that a Christian prisoner Saheb Fadaee is suffering from a severe fever which is causing hallucinations. Three days into the fever, he sought healthcare at the prison doctor’s office, and received some initial medications. However, the illness continued.
Saheb was turned away from the doctor’s office when he sought additional healthcare. Fellow inmates have unsuccessfully attempted to obtain medicine for Saheb.
The denial of medical care for prisoners of conscience is a common tactic used by Iranian authorities. Evin Prison is one of the worst offenders of human rights abuses towards these prisoners.
In addition to the constant pressure authorities place upon inmates, the conditions which they are detained in are of serious degradation and lack respect towards human dignity. Unfortunately, serious health conditions are therefore a common occurrence suffered by prisoners.