News from EuropeNews from Hungary

Talks on the ‘Hungary Helps Programme’ held in Rome

Both the Vatican and the Italian Government are open to cooperating with Hungary within the field of providing humanitarian aid. The Hungarian Government’s program is based on the principle that assistance must be taken to where the trouble is, instead of bringing the trouble here.


Ministerial Commissioner for tasks associated with the development of international relations linked to humanitarian aid provided by Hungary Hajnalka Juhász and CEO of Hungary Helps Agency Nonporfit Cls. Gábor Márki presented the Hungary Helps Program in Rome.

The Hungarian Government’s program is based on the principle that assistance must be taken to where the trouble is, instead of bringing the trouble here.

Both the Vatican and the Italian Government are open to cooperating with Hungary within the field of providing humanitarian aid.

The meeting with Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, who is of Ghanan descent, for which Hungary’s Ambassador to the Holy See Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen also joined the Hungarian delegation concentrated on the humanitarian situation in Africa and the other crisis regions, that are 

the focus of attention of the Hungary Helps Program, with relation to which the issue of water security was also mentioned. The Cardinal spoke with praise about Hungary’s position in support of persecuted Christians.

As a result of the meetings with the Italian Foreign Ministry’s Director-General for International Cooperation and Development Giorgio Marrapodi and head of department for Africa of the Italian development agency (AICS) Marco Platzer, a cooperation agreement will be drawn up with relation to the field of humanitarian aid. Hungary’s Ambassador to Italy Zoltán Ádám also took part in the meeting.



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