To paint the face of Christ. An iconography course for Iraqi parishioners and refugees in Amman

The Face of Jesus was chosen as the model for the brief iconography course organized at the Catholic parish of St. Joseph, in the district of Jabal Amman, in the capital of Jordan.
Fr. Mario Cornioli organized a 4-day Iconography course to introduce parishioners and Iraqi refugees to painting icons and the theology behind them.
The unique pastoral initiative, included in the parish program, aimed “to give Iraqi refugees and parishioners the opportunity to use their time productively”, explained Fr. Cornioli to Saher Kawas on the Website of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
The lessons were held by Ian Knowles, director of the Bethlehem Icon Centre. The course – reported Fr. Cornioli “provided an opportunity not only to learn how to draw icons, but also to meditate, while painting the Face of Jesus”.
The initiative was also taken for the first time with the hope of encouraging spiritual sharing and closeness among Iraqi parishioners and refugees who for many years have found accommodation in that area of Amman.
Source: Fides