World News

Investigating the United Arab Emirates reveals a positive perspective


Out of all the countries in the Middle-East, this Arabian country is the one that is most receptive to the Christian religion


According to a member of a Christian Church in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates is an “oasis of liberty” for the Christians in the Middle-East.  Mack Stiles belongs to the United Christian Church in Dubai, a denomination whose members have trebled in the last eight years and have recently extended their buildings.

The UAE is probably the country with the most churches on the Arabian peninsula. “The churches have a significant role in this part of the world. Their presence demonstrates the support of the government towards the church,” explained the pastor of the church of the Americas, John Folmar.

The building of churches guarantees greater opportunities for those who are searching for God and wish to find holiness in the Christian religion. In neighbouring countries, many people cannot talk about Christ or about their faith,  catechesis is prohibited and converting to the Christian religion can be punished with the death penalty.

But why is the UAE different? Since the discovery of petrol in the country, in the 1950’s, the country has become an important centre of commerce and tourism. As the country has a low population, it depends on the work of foreigner employees. That is why there is tolerance shown to all cultures and religions. This freedom of cult is mainly available however, to the workers from the West and Africa.

The UAE occupies the 40th place on the World Watch List of persecution of the Christians of 2018.

Source: Portas Abertas

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