Dutch official Willie Dille reportedly commits suicide after posting video claiming Muslim gang-rape attack

Willie Dille, city councillor in The Hague and member of the anti-immigrant Freedom Party, has taken her own life on Wednesday. She had just posted a video on Facebook describing her gang-rape as being part of an intimidation campaign over a year ago.
Willie Dille, a 53-year-old who represented the PVV in parliament from 2010 to 2012 and later became a city councillor at The Hague, killed herself Wednesday after she “could no longer bear what had happened to her and the reactions she had had,” local PVV leader Karen Gerbrands told Dutch News.
A Dutch city council member reportedly committed suicide just hours after posting a video online in which she claimed to have been gang-raped by a group of Muslims who were following the orders of a former fellow member of her anti-immigration PVV party, parliament member Arnoud van Doorn. He apparently disliked her and ordered the attack, which allegedly happened in early 2017.
The video reportedly showed Dille pale and thin-looking. She claimed she was told by the attackers to keep quiet in the council debating chamber, amongst other threats she said to have received. The footage ended with her saying she was resigning her council seat, Dutch News reported.
The mayor of The Hague, Pauline Krikke, described Dille in a statement as someone who was “involved and passionate” with politics, the website added.
Van Doorn, however, denies the alleged attack and says he is weighing his legal options after his name surfaced.
Police also told the AD newspaper that Dille never made a formal complaint to them about the alleged attack.
“We offered her help and said we need a formal complaint and concrete evidence to start an investigation. But she did not make a formal complaint and we did not get any concrete information to enable us to launch an inquiry,” spokesperson Hilde Vijverberg said, according to Dutch News.
Source: Fox News