Tag: Jihadism

Over 40 people were killed in a Jihadist attack in Burkina Faso

In 2021, Burkina Faso experienced a record year of conflict and replaced Mali as the epicenter of Sahel terrorism.

Jihadism is on the rise in Benin

Benin, a coastal state, is believed to be targeted by jihadi rebels to keep supply lines open and recruit more people.

Jihadism continues to spread in Burkina Faso

Militants linked to al-Qaeda and ISIS began initiating violent attacks in Burkina Faso, starting in 2015.

Jihadism is on the rise across Burkina Faso

Al-Qaeda affiliates killed over 135 civilians over the course of two nights in June 2021.

Thirteen soldiers killed while fighting jihadism

On Monday, March 22, suspected jihadists killed thirteen soldiers in eastern Burkina Faso

Unarmed resistance on the border of jihadism

A total of 40 animators and group leaders shared their concerns and hopes during a meeting in Niamey in this month of March.

Jihadist uprising in Burkina Faso makes ten more victims

A jihadist uprising has plagued the country as well as the rest of Africa’s Sahel region since 2015.

28 murdered in Jihadist attack on South Sudanese Christian community

In August of last year, two nuns were shot and killed in cold blood by jihadists while driving along South Sudan.

Christians targeted by jihadists in Burkina Faso

While Burkina Faso was once seen as a harmonious nation of religious tolerance, a jihadist uprising has plagued the country.

Eight soldiers killed in jihadist attack in Nigeria

Nigerian Christians often live amongst extreme violence.