Archbishop of Oklahoma City thanks governor for new abortion ban
Oklahoma’s “all of the above” approach leaves it ideally prepared to protect as many babies from abortion as possible.
Texas House advances fetal heartbeat bill
Usually, a fetal heartbeat is detected as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.
South Carolina considers ban on "heartbeat abortions" with some exceptions
Over the past few years, several states have passed similar laws banning abortions when a fetal heartbeat is detectable.
Georgia abortion heartbeat law banned by federal court
Of the Georgia law, “The Court is left with no other choice but to declare it unconstitutional,” Jones wrote.
Democratic governor supports heartbeat bill
Incredible but true: Louisiana Republicans and Democrats unite to pass heartbeat abortion ban
Hollywood celebrities threaten boycott of Georgia over heartbeat abortion bill
A group of about 50 actors signed an open letter addressed to Gov. Brian Kemp