Tag: Auschwitz

Journalist insinuates that Auschwitz is located in Poland because of Catholicism

Confusing one of the primary victims of WWII (Poland) with the oppressor (Germany) continues, intentionally or otherwise

Japanese Catholics gratefully commemorated St. Maximilian Kolbe

In 1982, Pope John Paul II canonised Father Kolbe and declared him a martyr of charity.

Saudi Arabia and Iran both continue to persecute religious and ethnic minorities

It is euphemistic to say that Christians have a hard time in these Muslim countries where discrimination is institutionalized.

President of the EP: "Auschwitz was built by Europeans"

David Sassoli made the questionable decision to share German responsibility with the rest of the continent.

Witold Pilecki: the forgotten hero

Pilecki's life is that of courage and bravery beyond measure.

Government announced zero-tolerance policy towards anti-Semitism

"Europe’s second largest Jewish community lives in Hungary , in more peace and security actually, than anywhere else in Europe."